Mantis Espresso WDT Tool Review

espresso wdt tool

As an espresso geek, I’m always on the lookout for ways to make the perfect cup of coffee. The WDT tools I owned were okay, but I never owned one to get me excited. I know… It’s a raking tool, and you only use it for a few seconds a day. Well, I like beautiful … Read more

Bottomless Portafilter – Why Do You Need One and Where To Buy It?

Pulling an espresso shot with a bottomless portafilter

The pursuit of the perfect espresso shot is a non stop race.  Professionals and enthusiasts alike try to improve the extraction down to the finest details. No wonder there are so many tools and accessories for espresso brewing, espresso lovers are truly passionate. One of these espresso tools is the bottomless portafilter. In this page … Read more

The Best WDT Tool on the Market

distributing coffee grounds with fusedline wdt

If you are looking to improve your espresso shot and get consistent results every time, you need a WDT tool. It’s not even a debate, there is concrete evidence that the Weiss Distribution Technique slightly improve the overall quality of your shots, but more importantly, it brings consistency from shot to shot. You might have the … Read more

The Best Coffee Canisters for Coffee Storage

coffee beans in airtight glass jars

Storing coffee properly is one of the best things you can do to improve the taste of your espresso, or coffee. There is nothing worse than a flat shot of espresso, especially when you paid a decent amount to get great quality beans. So to pay for that single origin, and to end up with … Read more

Best Home Espresso Grinder – Rancilio Rocky Vs Baratza Vario Vs Eureka Mignon

baratza sette espresso grinder

Best Home Coffee Grinders Compared Choosing a home espresso grinder for your daily espresso coffee brewing needs is not that complicated. If your budget is flexible, and you are trying to get the best bang for your buck, you might be stuck in a dilemma. We hope we can make it easier for you by showing what … Read more

Espresso Knock Box – The Best and the Cheapest

espresso knock box line up

The espresso knock box is one of those devices that you never miss if you haven’t used it before, but once you get used to it you can’t live without. OK, it’s a trivial plastic box, you might say, what’s the fuss about it. Yeah, you are right, a cheap plastic bin to dump your … Read more

Semi Automatic Espresso Machines

Faema E61 Legend semi-automatic espresso machine

One of the most sold types of espresso machines is the semiautomatic espresso machine. This is the perfect choice for espresso enthusiasts who aim to learn and experiment with coffee – it allows them to play with different recipes to create their favorite popular espresso drinks. There is also the inexpensive semiautomatic, which is the … Read more

What Is the Best Espresso Extraction Temperature?

espresso machine displaying the water temperature in the boiler.

extraction is a precise process, where multiple brewing variables are finely adjusted in order to obtain a great cup of . Brewing temperature is one of the important variables, and if we don’t handle it properly our espresso might be ruined, or just average.

In this post we are going to look at how the brewing temperature can change the flavor of the espresso, and how ca we teak the temperature in order to perfect our shot.

The information in this post is intended for the advanced barista, who wants to finely tune their shots.

Lelit espresso machine with PID showing 94 degrees Celsius - 201 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine Review

Rancilio Silvia espresso machine

is one of those machines that stirs up heated discussions. The machine is a collection of high-quality components that you only see in more expensive machines, yet some home baristas are reluctant to buy it. Our aim to inform you and make you confident in your machine purchase. We want you to make the right decision with the help of our articles and our Espresso Machine buying Guide.

This review will show you what makes the Silvia special, and what are the little annoyances that home baristas wish Rancilio would fix. 

Rancilio HSD Silvia, targets the home brewing sector, the espresso enthusiasts that love to tweak their espresso to perfection.

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DeLonghi Esam-3300 Magnifica Review

delonghi magnifica esam 3300 review

The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 is a super-automatic espresso machine, that is affordable, reliable, and easy to work with. Any DeLonghi Magnifica will turn you into a home barista without the skills and knowledge you need if you buy a semiautomatic. This Delonghi Magnifica might not have the bells and whistles of the more expensive machines, … Read more

Espresso Shot Screen – What are Puck Screens and Which ones Are the Best

espresso puck screen bplus

Espresso shot screens, or puck screens, are more and more popular among espresso aficionados. While the puck screen is not an essential piece of equipment, baristas who look for perfection, need it. Discovered by accident, the puck screen is now a popular accessory to improve the quality of the espresso shots.

Best Espresso Tampers for All Budgets

espresso tampers

Beginner baristas look at the tamper as an unimportant accessory, the one that comes with the espresso machine is good enough. Maybe the tamper is not as important as the grinder, the roast date, or water quality. However, a great tamper is one of the tools you need if you aim for the perfect espresso shot. … Read more

How to Choose Coffee Beans for Espresso

Cappuccino and other espresso drinks

Choosing the coffee beans for espresso is a matter of personal taste. But the truth is that we can’t make espresso with any beans as we please. So if we say we can use any coffee beans to make espresso, it is true, but only partially. But we will show you how to choose a … Read more

Nespresso Vs Espresso vs Illy IperEspresso

large realistic size of nespresso vs espresso final

If you are looking to get the best shot of espresso, you probably want to compare the most popular options on the market: traditional espresso vs Nespresso. Even the most passionate Nespresso critics have tasted it, at least to satisfy the curiosity. Let me introduce another competitor in your comparison, Illy IperEspresso. Why talk about … Read more

Best Cheap Espresso Machines

For a coffee lover on a budget, buying an espresso machine might be challenging. As a beginner barista, you have limited knowledge in the field. How do you choose the best cheap espresso machine? What are the criteria that separate a good espresso maker from a bad one? We will try to familiarize you with … Read more

Best Latte Cups and Mugs for the Home Barista

barista creating latte art in a latte cup

If you are looking to buy the perfect latte cup, or mug, this article is the perfect starting point. We show you here how to choose a latte cup or mug, based on your needs, and we give you a few great product suggestions. There are many types of coffee: neat espresso, Americano, cappuccino, drip … Read more

5 Great Cappuccino Cups – How to Buy a Cappuccino Cups Set

Cappuccino cup and saucer

My wife asked me a couple of days ago to find her the best set on the market. Kind of a tall order, but hey, I didn’t want to disappoint her.

The set was going to be a gift for a close friend of her. I knew what I needed to find, so it looked like it was going to be a quick job. Material, size, form, I knew all of that, it just had to match my wife’s taste. You’ll see how a seemingly easy task turned up to be a very difficult one. I’ll tell you the story, and you’ll find out how I picked my cappuccino set, and in the process, you’ll learn what to look for when you are shopping for cappuccino cups.

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5 Best Espresso Cups – 5 Demitasse Cups

espresso shot in white demitasse

Choosing the best espresso cup is not as easy as one might think. Yes, we know, you can probably drink your shot from any small cup. Espresso though is more than downing a strong coffee to get you started in the morning. It’s a ritual, and it is as much about the experience as it … Read more

Espresso-Based Beverages – Americano

preparing an espresso drink - espresso Long Black

The Americano is an espresso-based drink with added water on top of a espresso shot. There are many variations of the Americano to choose from including black coffee with espresso added, iced americano, and Long black. Americano can be traced back to Italy in 1919. The drink was created when espresso machines were first introduced … Read more

Espresso-Based Beverages – Cappuccino

Cappuccino in white cup on a saucer

Cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee drink that has its roots in Italy. The word cappuccino means “little hood” and refers to the brown color of monastic robes worn by members of the Capuchin order. It is traditionally made with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk, and foamed milk. This article will explore what makes a … Read more

Espresso-Based Beverages – Latte

barista pouring latte art

A latte is an espresso drink that you can get at any coffee shop. It consists of espresso, steamed milk and foam, and some flavorings. The word “latte” comes from the Italian word for milk: latte. Which makes sense because it contains both espresso and steamed milk! In order to make a latte correctly, you … Read more

How to Make Espresso With an Espresso Machine – A Definitive Guide

Freshly brewed espresso shot

Everyone loves espresso coffee. No matter what we do to make our cup of joe at home, nothing seems to compare to a beautiful, strong, crema-topped espresso, which we get in our favorite coffee shop. But wouldn’t it be lovely to be able to recreate this at home?  The process for how to make espresso … Read more

Espresso vs Turkish vs Drip Coffee – a Visual Comparison

Turkish coffee and espresso are two of the most popular coffee drinks in the world. They both have their own unique characteristics and fans. So, which one is better? In this document, we will compare Turkish coffee to espresso and see how they stack up against each other. We will look at the different brewing … Read more

What Is a Dead Espresso Shot and How Does It Taste?

pulling espresso shot with lelit ana

If you landed on this page is probably because you heard discussions about ‘dead espresso‘. You probably got worried about it, and are now thinking: “Am I letting my espresso die?” The good news is you probably don’t! But stick with me, and you’ll that as legitimate as it sounds, a “dead espresso” is just … Read more

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine Review

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

When it comes to machines, it’s fairly difficult to pick something if you don’t have any brewing experience. Most semi-automated espresso machines need personal adjustments, which makes it difficult if you don’t have the knowledge.

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Getting The Best Espresso Machine

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

A traditional cup of is the dark liquid we are all used to, milder and without any extra. An , on the other hand, is more concentrated, aromatic, and with an extra layer of foam covering the top. If you want to buy your own to create countless espresso drinks and become a home barista, this page has all you need.

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