Espresso Knock Box – The Best and the Cheapest

espresso knock box line up

The espresso knock box is one of those devices that you never miss if you haven’t used it before, but once you get used to it you can’t live without. OK, it’s a trivial plastic box, you might say, what’s the fuss about it. Yeah, you are right, a cheap plastic bin to dump your … Read more

DeLonghi Esam-3300 Magnifica Review

delonghi magnifica esam 3300 review

The DeLonghi Magnifica ESAM3300 is a super-automatic espresso machine, that is affordable, reliable, and easy to work with. Any DeLonghi Magnifica will turn you into a home barista without the skills and knowledge you need if you buy a semiautomatic. This Delonghi Magnifica might not have the bells and whistles of the more expensive machines, … Read more

Best Cheap Espresso Machines

For a coffee lover on a budget, buying an espresso machine might be challenging. As a beginner barista, you have limited knowledge in the field. How do you choose the best cheap espresso machine? What are the criteria that separate a good espresso maker from a bad one? We will try to familiarize you with … Read more

5 Best Espresso Cups – 5 Demitasse Cups

espresso shot in white demitasse

Choosing the best espresso cup is not as easy as one might think. Yes, we know, you can probably drink your shot from any small cup. Espresso though is more than downing a strong coffee to get you started in the morning. It’s a ritual, and it is as much about the experience as it … Read more

Getting The Best Espresso Machine

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

A traditional cup of is the dark liquid we are all used to, milder and without any extra. An , on the other hand, is more concentrated, aromatic, and with an extra layer of foam covering the top. If you want to buy your own to create countless espresso drinks and become a home barista, this page has all you need.

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