What Is Milk Texturing – An Introduction to Texturing Milk for Coffee Drinks

Latte texture milk frothing process with steamer.

Milk texturing is crucial in creating coffee beverages like cappuccinos and lattes. First appearing in the late 19th century, milk texturing gained greater popularity later, with latte art. Milk texturing alters the coffee’s mouthfeel, flavor, and visual appeal through techniques like steaming for a velvety texture or frothing for a lighter feel. This article delves into the history, roles, and science of milk texturing, and its role in the coffee industry.

Cappuccino vs Flat White vs Latte – What Are the Differences?

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There are a lot of different espresso-based drinks, sometimes this much variety can be confusing. Latte, cappuccino, flat white, mocha, are just some of the most popular drinks made from espresso and milk. Standing in line at the coffee shop, you suddenly realize that you don’t know what to order… In this post we are … Read more

Espresso-Based Beverages – Flat White

flat white in sydney

The flat white is a milk-based espresso drink similar to latte, and cappuccino. It is typically served in a smaller cup than a latte and is prepared with a double shot of espresso. Almost always prepared with latte art, the flat white is a very popular drink in the third wave coffee movement. Origins and … Read more