Best Cheap Espresso Machines

For a coffee lover on a budget, buying an espresso machine might be challenging. As a beginner barista, you have limited knowledge in the field. How do you choose the best cheap espresso machine? What are the criteria that separate a good espresso maker from a bad one? We will try to familiarize you with … Read more

Best Cheap PID Espresso Machines

Lelit PL41 TEM espresso machine with PID

So you decided to step up your espresso game and buy a PID espresso machine. However, when you look at the prices they don’t really match your budget. This is a review of the best cheap espresso machines with a PID. The list include machines from Breville, Ascaso, Lelit, and Quick Mill. Learn what are … Read more

What Is Espresso

espresso shot in china cup

The espresso beverage as we know it today, dates back to 1947, when Gaggia introduced the first machine capable of creating consistent high pressure during the shot pulling. The machine was called Gaggia Crema Caffe and was intended for normal commercial use. Before the Gaggia Crema Caffe almost every commercial and consumer espresso machine was … Read more

What Is So Great about Espresso?

espresso shot on espresso machine

You probably tried an espresso shot and wasn’t impressed. Or maybe you heard your coffee snob friend passionately talking about his latest triple ristretto that he pulled. He would rank that as a “God Shot”. Now you are thinking “What Is So great about Espresso?” If you tasted it and didn’t like it, it’s a … Read more

Espresso vs Turkish vs Drip Coffee – a Visual Comparison

Turkish coffee and espresso are two of the most popular coffee drinks in the world. They both have their own unique characteristics and fans. So, which one is better? In this document, we will compare Turkish coffee to espresso and see how they stack up against each other. We will look at the different brewing … Read more

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine Review

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

When it comes to machines, it's fairly difficult to pick something if you don't have any brewing experience. Most semi-automated espresso machines need personal adjustments, which makes it difficult if you don't have the knowledge.

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Getting The Best Espresso Machine

Gaggia Brera Espresso Machine

A traditional cup of is the dark liquid we are all used to, milder and without any extra. An , on the other hand, is more concentrated, aromatic, and with an extra layer of foam covering the top. If you want to buy your own to create countless espresso drinks and become a home barista, this page has all you need.

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